Ayurvedic Remedies for Acne

Ayurvedic Remedies for Acne

Acne can be very distressing and determined. They are not only painful and disgusting, but they also leave behind scars on our faces that look very ugly.

Acne can destroy any beautiful face. When it comes to the concern of skin, one must take smart actions to cure or prevent the problems.

Ayurveda provides various natural ways that may help you to prevent your skin and cure skin-related issues such as acne.


  • Bacteria
  • Infection
  • Oily skin
  • Clogged pore
  • Dead skin cells
  • Intake of such items that may cause allergy
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Late nights
  • Use of too much makeup, and many more

Here are some of the major Ayurvedic remedies for the prevention of acne-

  1. Basil or Tulsi

Basil or TulsiTulsi is known to be a blessed element in Ayurveda due to its various amazing properties including healing properties, etc.

Tulsi is being worshipped in many parts of India. It cures acne, and treats pimples, and blemishes naturally.

  • How to use Basil or Tulsi

It is recommended that one must chew 2 to 3 leaves of raw Tulsi every day for better skin.

You can also crush some clean and fresh leaves of Tulsi, prepare a mixture by taking out its juice, and apply the mixture to your face for better results.

After 15 to 20 minutes, wash your face and see the results. You will be amazed by the results if you regularly use it.

2. Neem

NeemFor more than 5000 years, Neem has been used as an antibiotic or medicine. It is an evergreen tree that can be found almost anywhere in India and is famous for its healing effects that help in the cure of acne and strengthen the immune system of the body.

  • How to use Neem

Use the best quality of the leaves of neem or its powder and mix a 1/8th teaspoon of powder with ½ litre of spring water and mix it well.

You have to wait until the water turns completely green. Let the mixture become cool strain and store it in a glass bottle.

After that, use a cotton ball and apply the mixture with its help on your face at least two times a day.

3. Ashwagandha

AshwagandhaThe major importance of Ashwagandha is that it improves your hormonal imbalance, calms your skin, and reduces the problem of acne.

It also helps in reducing the stress of a person which works as a remedy for prevention or cure of acne. It also fights with dry skin and moisturizes it.

  • How to use Ashwagandha

The best form of intake of Ashwagandha is taking it orally. It will improve your skin, overall health, and stress level too.

Moreover, you should recommend a physician or a specialist who should recommend its usage. Always follow the recommended instructions.

4. Turmeric

TurmericThe major causes of acne are bacteria and infection. Though turmeric is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ayurvedic remedy, it helps in the prevention of pimples and acne that are caused due to bacteria and viruses.

Turmeric is also an anti-allergic agent and it helps in cleansing toxins from the pores.

  • How to use turmeric

You can make a mixture of turmeric powder and water and apply the resulting paste on the face and other parts to get relief from acne.

Once the mixture becomes dry, wash your face and clean it with a fresh cloth.

You can replace water with honey in the case of dry skin.

5. Lemon

LemonLemon is known to be the best home remedy for prevention as well as the cure for acne, pimples, and other face-related issues.

Lemon is a good source of acid and the acid present in it fights acne and pimples and clears your skin.

Lemon not only cures pimples and acne but it also protects your skin.

  • How to use lemon

You can directly apply lemon to your face, let it dry, wash your face after 15 to 20 minutes, and clean it with a fresh and clean towel.

Moreover, you can take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and mix it with 4 tablespoons of water. The mixture must be properly mixed. After that apply the mixture on your face with a clean cotton ball and wash it after 15 to 20 minutes.

6. Potato

PotatoThere are many uses and advantages of a potato. Potato is considered to be an element that helps in fighting against bacteria, treats acne, and also provides a natural glow and shine to your skin.

  • How to use the potato

You can slice thin disks from a potato and apply them by rubbing on your face. You should massage it properly.

Make sure that you are using different pieces of the disk for different parts of the skin so that it reduces the risk of spreading bacteria and other viruses.

7. White gourd or Lauki

White gourd or LaukiThere are many benefits of Lauki when it comes to its use under Ayurveda. If you apply Lauki, it does not let your skin become dry.

It keeps the skin moisturizing due to its high water content. It cleanses the body system and prevents acne and pimples.

  • How to use Lauki

You can either apply its juice or drink it. But if you drink its juice, it will affect you more from the inside.

Take a Lauki, cut out its outer skin, cut it into pieces, make its juice, add salt to it, and drink the juice for better results.

8. Honey

Honey for FaceHoney is an amazing natural ingredient that has many benefits. It fights against pimples and acne and removes the scars from your skin.

  • How to use honey

You can use it solely or you can apply it by mixing it with various other elements.

If you want to apply only honey to your skin, you can put 2 to 3 drops of honey on your face in the area of acne and pimples, let it dry, and wash your face properly. You will definitely get better results if you regularly use this.

In a nutshell

We have provided you with various Ayurvedic remedies that will help you to fight against acne and pimples.

We hope the above information will help you and make your skin more glowing.

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