Friday, March 28, 2025

Is He The One? 7 Signs You’re with Your Perfect Match

Maybe you’ve been struggling with meeting men for potential dates, and now you meet one that is not your typical choice. You’ve done the inner work, dealt with low self-esteem, and now you’re about to date this guy. You’re a few dates in, things are progressing nicely, and you start to wonder…Is he the one? If this relationship feels like a warm embrace on a cold day after two to three months of dating, it might be time to reflect on a thing or two before you put him on this pedestal of having to be the one. Especially if you’ve been known to say, “This is it, he’s the one”, one too many times even to count. Since we’re not talking about the Disney or rom-com portrayal of the one, we’re talking about a person who shows the key signs we’ll discuss below. 

He is genuinely interested in you

If a guy shows genuine interest in getting to know you, that’s a good sign. Romances that are more lust than love can fizzle out fast, if there isn’t any meaningful connection. If he asks questions, remembers things you said like you’re having a presentation on Friday and asks you about it, he shows signs of interest. The best approach is to reciprocate this interest, and the conversation will flow freely.


The connection between compatible people is more than just attraction or the physical aspect of a connection. The connection is something that will lead to building intimacy and deepening the connection. It’s when you can just bond with someone without any feelings of anxiousness or worrying about whether you’re good enough. 

There’s comfort in silence

Many people get anxious when the conversations steer to a halt, but, with a truly compatible person, that won’t feel like it. You’ll find comfort in the moments of silence and still enjoy being cuddled up on the couch or strolling hand in hand. You’ll be in the moment together, and if that moment is in silence, that silence will speak thousands of words. 

You share the same values

Let’s say that you’ve finally decided to hire a dating agency to help you get matched based on your values. If you’re in Australia, you may decide to hire a dating agency Sydney, so you’ll finally meet people who share similar core values and beliefs. Dating agencies will get to know your profile, identify your core values, and find people who share them. Values and beliefs are important as they create compatibility and help both of you lay a solid foundation for a successful relationship.

Communication style

When one communicates, the other one listens. When it’s the other person’s turn to speak, they respond instead of just reacting. You will speak the same language if you can communicate openly, with respect and know how to respond instead of react. If you can communicate openly about serious topics like financial independence, where you want to spend the holidays this year or when someone wants to address a relational issue, you will know how to handle conflict, too.

You let your inner children go out and play

Play is as important in relationships as any other serious conversation you’ll have along the way. Laughter, joy, and play also add to overall relationship satisfaction, increases your bond further and can even help resolve conflicts. Sharing moments of pure laughter and joy, and finding beauty in life’s simplest pleasures indicates that you’ll keep this part of you alive as you go deeper into the relationship. 

You are both at the same stage of life

They say that the one is the one in front of you, with whom you want to build a relationship. In addition to this, the one is the person who is at the same stage of life as you. This means that they will want the same as you. For example, both of you want a relationship at this stage of life. Or, do both of you want to date to marry? One of the good signs to look for is the level of emotional maturity, as it’s also a good indicator that they can be the one for you. 

Now that you know what makes the one so unique, you’ll learn that it goes beyond the superficial. Not only that, you need to be all of these things as well, so you can create a deep and meaningful connection. 

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