Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Benefits and Risks of Raw Dog Food on Your Dog’s Health

Proponents of the popular Paleolithic diet in humans claim that people’s digestive systems have not evolved to eat much of what comprises the modern diet. A similar line of reasoning has recently been used by people who recommend a biologically appropriate raw food, or BARF, diet for dogs.

The logic is that because the digestive tract of a domesticated dog is no different from that of a wolf, they should be eating raw and fresh food just like the latter. This has been the subject of some debate between owners, pet nutritionists, and veterinarians. This article will explore the proposed benefits of the BARF diet for dogs.

Potential benefits of the BARF diet for dogs

Raw food diets have been growing in popularity among dog owners. They usually contain some mixture of meat, bones, offal, and sometimes vegetables. Some owners prefer to shop puppy packs at Pet Shop Boyz, who plan meals for their pets, while others prefer to make their own raw food mixtures at home.

Proponents of raw dog food claim that it has the following benefits:

  • Improved digestion: BARF proponents claim that dogs’ digestive systems have not evolved to handle cooked or processed food. There is anecdotal evidence from owners who put their dogs on a BARF diet that it helped relieve their dog’s sensitive stomach.
  • More energy: Some pet owners claim to have noticed an overall uptick in their pet’s energy levels and playfulness. Others have found their animal’s energy to be more consistent throughout the day. This could be because they are no longer experiencing spikes and dips in their blood sugar caused by kibble, a common ingredient in processed dog foods. Kibble is a type of carbohydrate, but fats and protein are more effective energy sources for dogs.
  • Weight management: Many owners switch their dogs to raw food to help them lose weight. This does seem to be effective, perhaps because the main ingredients in many packaged dog foods are carbohydrates, which promote fat storage.
  • Healthier look: It is believed that this is because the skin and fur of dogs are almost pure protein, and about 30% of the protein from their diet goes towards maintaining it. By consuming more protein with a BARF diet, they can better keep their fur in good condition.

The jury is still out on raw dog food, and there are bacteria and other risks to consider. Organisations such as the Kennel Club advise owners to make their own choice. If you do decide to try it, make sure your dog gets all the nutrition it needs, and watch closely to ensure that their health remains stable or improves.

Akash Saini
Akash Saini
Akash is an editor of Ok Easy Life. He is an atheist who believes in love and cultural diversity. To publish content on this blog read guidelines- Write for us

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